Oral Presentation The 44th Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function 2019

Molecular visualization with Unity and Vuforia (#9)

Michael Kuiper 1
  1. Data61/CSIRO, Docklands, VIC, Australia

Molecular visualization is central to structural biology research. Typically this is limited to computer models displayed on monitors or figures displayed in textbooks or publications. Emerging augmented reality (AR) technology commonly used for games development has proven to be a useful platform for visualizing molecular structures such as proteins and DNA. By deploying AR models onto tablets, users are able to explore and represent structural data in intuitive fashion while giving a sense of holding a tangible object. This talk demonstrates the workflow of bringing a molecular structures into an augmented reality platform by using the games software tools Unity and Vuforia, and explores its current practicalities, usefulness and limitations.  

  1. https://unity3d.com/
  2. https://www.vuforia.com/